defeat™ Tablets

Effervescent Chlorine Dioxide Tablets


Compatible With All Sprayers and Foggers.

Quantity: 100 Tablets Per Bottle

Dissolve Time: 4 Minutes In Water

Design For: SP Series Sprayers

Compatible With: All Sprayers

Tablet Size: 1g(.35oz)

Dilution Ratio: 1 Tablet Per .66 gal (2.5 L)

Scent: None

Purchase online for quick one time orders. For additional assistance and bulk pricing, work with one of our sales representatives.


The Most Affordable Way To Clean Your Facility


Tablets self dissolve in room temperature water in 4 minutes. Give a slight shake or stir to ensure solution is evenly mixed, then begin to use.


Gone are the days of storing gallons upon gallons of cleaner. Simply inventory a bottle of defeat™ tablets to make up to 50 gallons of solution!


With our affordable pricepoint you be able to create 1 gallon of solution for only $1 worth of chemical!

Where To Use

Perfect to use on any high touch surfaces. Pairs perfectly with our SP-200 and SP-300c sprayers! Also compatible with all other sprayers and foggers.

Purchase online for quick one time orders.

For additional assistance and bulk pricing, work with one of our sales representatives.